Australia Stamps, Notes, Coins and Collectibles
Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, Australia is a country and continent surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans. Its major cities – Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide – are coastal. Its capital, Canberra, is inland. The country is known for its Sydney Opera House, the Great Barrier Reef, a vast interior desert wilderness called the Outback, and unique animal species like kangaroos and duck-billed platypuses.
Capital - Canberra
Currency - Australia - Dollar (1966-date)
Currency Unit - 12 Pence = 1 Shilling • 20 Shilling = 1 Pound
Language - English
Continent - Australia
Country Status - UN Member State Since 01-Nov-45
Time Zone -
Iso Code -
Internet Extension - .al Buy Australia Australia - Dollar (1966-date) Australia - Pound (1910-1966) Old Notes, Stamps and collectibles from Coin-house
Australia, Australia, UN Member State,