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Thursday, November 5, 2015

100 Un Circulated Coins from 100 Countries - Rare Collection, Lowest Price!

100 Different Coins from 100 Different Countries!
All UNC (Uncirculated Coins)
Rare Countries Included
Coins come in sealed Pack
Coins from all over the world
Coins from Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Islands
You can expect coins from ------------ Afghanistan1afghani , Algeria1/4dinar , Argentina1austral , Armenia10luma , Austria1cent , Bahamas1cent , Bangladesh1poisha , Belgium1cent , Belize5cent , Bhutan25chhertum , Bosnia5feninga , Brazil1centavo , Bulgaria1stotinki , Burundi1franc , Canada1cent , Cape Verde1escudo , Cayman Islands1cent , China1jiao , Costa Rica5colones , Cyprus1cent , Czech Republic10haleru , Denmark25ore , Egypt5piastre , Estonia10senti , Ethiopia1cent , Falkland1penny , Fiji1cent , Finland1cent , French Polynesia1francs , Georgia1thetri , Germany1cent , Great Britain , Greece1cent , Guatemala5centavos , Guernsey1penny , Guyana1cent , Honduras5centavos , HongKong1cent , Hungary1forint , Iceland1varities , India , Iran2rials , Iraq25dinar , Ireland1cent , Israel1agorot , Italy1cent , Jamaica1 cent , Jersey1penny , Jordan1Qirsh , Kazakhstan5tenge , Kuwait , Kyrgyzstan10tyiyn , Latvia1santims , Lithuania1centas , Eastern Carribean , Malawi2tambala , Malaysia5cents , Maldives5laari , Barbados , Moldova1ban , Morocco1centime , Nepal2paise , Netherlands Antiles , Luxembourg 1cent , New Zealand5cents , Norway10ore , Pakistan2paisa , Paraguay1guarani , Philippines25sentimos , Poland1Grosz , Portugal1cent , Romania1bani , Russia , Russia Old , Rwanda5francs , Saudi Arabia5halala , Serbia1Dinar , Seychelles10cents , Singapore5cents , Slovakia1cent , Slovenia1tolar , South Korea5won , Spain1cent , SriLanka , Swaziland5cents , Sweden50ore , Syria1pound , Tajikistan1diram , Angola , Thailand25satang , Turkey1kurus , Auruba , Ukraine1kopiyka , USA1cent , Uzbekistan1tiyin , Vanuatu1vatu , Venezuela50centimos , United Arab Emirates , Zambia 2ngwee , Zimbabwe1cent 3-4 coins may differ

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