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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

100 World coins: All different from 100 monotory systems

Afghanistan Czech Jordan Portugal
Argentina Denmark Kazakhstan Qatar
Aruba East Caribbean States Kenya Romania
Australia Egypt Korea Saudi Arabia
Austria England Kuwait Singapore
Bahamas, The Estonia Liechtenstein Slovenia
Bahrain Falkland Islands Lithuania South Africa
Bangladesh Finland Luxembourg Soviet Union
Barbados France Macau Spain
Belgium Germany Malawi Sri Lanka
Bermuda Ghana Malaysia Sweden
Bhutan Greece Maldive Islands Switzerland
Brazil Guatemala Malta Taiwan
Bulgaria Hong Kong Mauritius Tajikistan
Burundi Hungary Mexico Thailand
Canada Iceland Moldova Trinidad and Tobago
Cape Verde India Mozambique Turkey
Cayman Islands Indonesia Nepal Uganda
Ceylon -Sri Lanka Iran Netherlands Ukraine
Chile Iraq Netherlands Antilles United Arab Emirates
China Ireland New Zealand United States
Colombia Israel Norway Uzbekistan
Costa Rica Italy Oman Yugoslavia
Croatia Jamaica Pakistan Zaire (Congo)
Cuba Japan Philippines Zambia
Cyprus Jersey Poland

Afghanistan , Africa , America , Angola , Argentina , Aruba , Asia , Australia , Austria , Bahamas, The , Bahrain , Bangladesh , Barbados , Belgium , Bermuda , Bhutan , Brazil , Bulgaria , Burundi , Canada , Cape Verde , Cayman Islands , Ceylon -Sri Lanka , Chile , China , Colombia , Costa Rica , Croatia , Cuba , Cyprus , Czech , Denmark , East Caribbean States , Egypt , England , Estonia , Europe , Falkland Islands , Finland , France , Germany , Ghana , Greece , Guatemala , Hong Kong , Hungary , Iceland , India , Indonesia , Iran , Iraq , Ireland , Israel , Italy , Jamaica , Japan , Jersey , Jordan , Kazakhstan , Kenya , Korea , Kuwait , Liechtenstein , Lithuania , Luxembourg , Macau , Madagascar , Malawi , Malaysia , Maldive Islands , Malta , Mauritius , Mexico , Moldova , Mozambique , Nepal , Netherlands , Netherlands Antilles , New Zealand , Norway , Oman , Pakistan , Philippines , Poland , Portugal , Qatar , Romania , Saudi Arabia , Singapore , Slovenia , South Africa , Soviet Union , Spain , Sri Lanka , Sweden , Switzerland , Taiwan , Tajikistan , Thailand , Trinidad and Tobago , Turkey , Uganda , Ukraine , United Arab Emirates , United States , Urugay , Uzbekistan , Yugoslavia , Zaire (Congo) , Zambia ,

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